Dignity Period is thrilled to announce the expansion of our U.S. based program into our newest communities in the greater Seattle area! DP Board Members, Annie Alley and Lincoln Williams, hosted a fabulous Sip and Support to kick off the initiative. Dignity Period will be partnering with greater Seattle area community agencies to provide Dignity Kits and menstrual hygiene education to 5000+ community members.
Community Partner Spotlight - National Council of Jewish Women - St. Louis
We're three years into our partnership with the National Council of Jewish Women in St. Louis to provide Dignity Kits in the backpacks they prepare for St. Louis area schools. This year we provided 2,500 kits, our most ever. Those 2,500 kits replace 600,000 disposable products! We had a wonderful opportunity to pack kits at the NCJW offices along with KTVI / Fox 2!
Dignity Period Sponsored Research - Menstruation is a Fearful Thing - Recently Published
A Dignity Period sponsored research paper entitled "Menstruation is a Fearful Thing," was recently published in the International Journal of Women's Health, by Balem Dimtsu. Balem is a midwife at Ayder Hospital and the College of Health Sciences, in Mekelle, Ethiopia, who has been working on her PhD. DP made a $5,000 grant to support her work on menstrual hygiene research in Tigray several years ago. She has persevered throughout the war and is now in the process of publishing the three papers. The first of these highlights the ongoing and serious challenges, perceptions, and consequences of menstruation, or Werhawitsigia, in the Tigray region of Northern Ethiopia.
Upcoming Events
Join us for our next Dignity Kit packing party on Thursday, July 27th at 6:30 p.m.
Church of the Open Word
1040 Dautel Lane - St. Louis, MO - 63146
Contact us at info@dignityperiod.org for more information