We're extending a summertime challenge to raise $20,000 by September 1st to provide each girl receiving a Dignity Period Kit with a bar of soap. In Ethiopia, soap is a luxury item that has become hard to access. Any amount helps!

Empower Hour is a chance to learn about just how much period poverty affects the lives of people all around us. Join Executive Director Angie Wiseman via Zoom on Wednesday, May 15th at 6pm CDT for an informative and motivational discussion on what we're doing to end period poverty. Click here to register.

It’s time to celebrate!
As a valued volunteer, Dignity Period would like to thank you for helping us accomplish our mission and our 2023 Dignity Kit distribution goals.
Join us on:
Thursday, May 23rd
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Church of the Open Word
1040 Dautel Ln. St Louis, MO 63146
Refreshments and light snacks will be provided.

Thank you to everyone who donated during GiveSTL Day! Your support ensures girls and women in the greater St. Louis community and beyond continue to have access to sustainable menstrual hygiene supplies.

The annual Paint It Pink Gala date is set! We hope you plan to join us on Saturday, April 5th 2025.
More details to follow.